Parent Resources
Welcome back and thank you for your interest in re-enrolling your child in Pack 369 where many adventures lie ahead.
To get started:
Cub Scout Resource Guide - this provides detailed information from our local Council on the program, uniforms, rank specific adventures and how you can volunteer to make the program a meaningful and rewarding experience for all.
Submit completed annual Health & Medical Form form to your Den Leader / Pack Leader.
It is required for participating youth to have a completed Health & Medical Form submitted annually as a person's medical history may change from year to year. To keep it simple you could type the information into the pdf file and save it to your computer and update as necessary each year.
Participation Fees: Please note a Cub Scout will never be turned away because they can’t afford the program or a uniform. Please talk to any leader if you need assistance with registration or a uniform.
4. Uniform: Supply rank specific Class A & B uniform - kids feel proud to be a part of a team dressed as their peers, display their achievements and encourages them to have a neat appearance and display good behavior.
5. Scoutbook, the BSA's official advancement record, to input and/or track your Cub's achievements, view calendar of events. Ensure you have your login. For detailed instruction visit Scoutbook Tutorial for Parents.
6. Volunteer: Click "here" to Sign up for either a fun all year position or two Assistant Pack Meeting / Special Event time Slots. The success of our pack is reliant on parent participation – by you volunteering you are not only offering the gift of your time to your cub and their friends, you are modeling one of Scouting’s core principals – Service to Others.
7. Complete and return the Family Talent Survey to your Cub's Den Leader / Pack Leader - this provides the Pack an idea on your particular talents and interests so that we can align you to be able to make the program a meaningful and rewarding experience for all.
8. Additional valuable resources are available on the "Guide to Dens" & "About Cub Scouts Page"